Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are not permitted to have mobile phones in their possession during the school day.
It is not a requirement of Ocean Reef Primary School for students to have a mobile phone at school.
Ocean Reef Primary School recognises that an increasing number of parents/carers who for safety, security and/or emergency purposes wish to provide their children with mobile phones. This policy details the conditions under which mobile phones are permitted at Ocean Reef Primary School.
Conditions of Use
- The use of mobile phones for all students will be banned from the time they arrive at school to the conclusion of the school day. This includes before school and at break times. Students are not permitted to have mobile phones in their possession during the school day.
- Mobile phones must be switched off and stored in the student’s bag. The school accepts no responsibility for the safekeeping of devices if they are bought to school.
- Smart watches must be in ‘aeroplane or school mode’ so phone calls and messages cannot be sent or received during the school day.
Exemptions and Communication
- While at Ocean Reef Primary School, students are the responsibility of the school. All communication between parents and students, during school hours, must occur via the school’s administration.
- Exemptions to this ban include where a student requires a mobile phone:
- to monitor a health condition as part of a school approved documented health care plan; or
- under the direct instruction of a teacher for educational purposes; or with permission of a teacher for a specified purpose.
Breaches of this Policy
- Breaches of this policy will be managed in accordance with the School Positive Learning Environment Policy (Behaviour Management Policy and Procedures.)