Positive Learning Environment Policy

At Ocean Reef Primary School we endeavour to create a positive learning environment for all students, staff and members of the school community. A summary of our Positive Learning Environment Policy is found below. For the full policy, please follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Code of Conduct – Behavioural Expectations

All members of ship’s company are required to demonstrate STAR behaviours.





Behavioural matrixes are available around the school describing how to behave in each area.

Whole School Procedures

The School Procedures are used to monitor the choices made by students at Ocean Reef Primary School.  Students with the support of teachers and parents/guardians are encouraged to meet school expectations.

Classroom Rewards

  • Commendations
  • Leadership Roles
  • Displays of students’ work
  • Visits to Administration • Visits by Principal to classroom
  • Communication with parents via ClassDojo.

Management Strategies:

  • Values/virtues programme (7Cs)
  • Consultation with school Psychologist
  • Parents/Guardians Involvement
  • Student Information Systems (SIS)
  • Individual Behaviour Plans
  • Peer Tutoring
  • STAR behavioural expectations.

Strategies to Provide Support for Students Learning Positive Behaviours.

Classroom – Traffic Light System

  1. All children start the day on the Green Traffic Light.
  2. The child’s name is moved to Amber following two warnings.
  3. The child’s name is moved to Red for the third warning or extreme behaviours. Students are immediately sent to the Bridge.
  4. The teacher or principal will phone the parents for extreme behaviour and continuing inappropriate behaviour as appropriate.
  5. Students will have a documented plan developed if misbehaviour continues.
  6. In the case of severe persistent behaviour and/or extreme behaviours the child may be subject to suspension.
  7. All misbehaviour will be entered on the central system (SIS) at the discretion of the teacher, associate principal or principal.
  8. Each day is a clean slate on the Traffic Light system.


Duty staff are responsible for promoting STAR behaviours and maintaining good order in the playground.


Consequences are determined based on an analysis of individual need and circumstance.

For Positive Behaviour

Students displaying STAR behaviour may be rewarded with:

Classroom rewards, STAR rewards, Class Dojo points, commendations, rewards from the Principal or Associate Principal.

For Negative Behaviours

Staff and Students follow the traffic light system.

Consequences are determined by the classroom teacher, associate principal and principal. They may include timeout, break, recess or lunchtime loss of privileges, withdrawal to the bridge, parental notification via Class Dojo or phone, recess or lunchtime loss of privileges, counselling, suspension or exclusion from school.

Digital Technologies

Digital devices brought to school must be turned off and remain in students’ bags. Smartwatches must be in ‘aeroplane or school mode’. Devices found to be in use on site will be confiscated until the end of the school day and then returned to the student.

See Mobile Phone Policy for more detail

Educational Support

Educational support to assist students maintain positive behaviour may include whole-school teaching and learning initiatives, individual class initiatives, referral to the students at educational risk committee and involvement of the school chaplain or school psychologist. Where appropriate external experts may be co-opted in to support staff and students achieve desired outcomes.

Communication with Parents

Parents may receive communication about both positive and negative behavioural situations. Contact is at the discretion of the teacher and principal. Communication will be made subject to an analysis of each individual incident and may be via phone, e-mail, Class Dojo, face to face or in writing.

2020 Positive Learning Environment Policy 2020v2